ID lists > httperrors

Error codeMeaning
301This error means there is a redirect available for followup information after your request
400This error means there is something wrong with your request:
  • You did not send a valid application id with your headers
  • The application id used is no longer valid or supported
  • Your json data is invalid
  • You specified an invalid http_accept header
  • The system where the keys are generated is no longer valid
401This error can happen for several reasons, please check each first:
  • no username or password given for the http authentication
  • keys are wrong or invalid
  • token is invalid
  • the user that created the keys is no longer valid
  • the client account that created the keys is no longer valid
  • the hash (used for the password) does not match the calculated one in the API
403This error indicates the request you are doing is valid, but is doing something that is not (or no longer) allowed
404This error indicates you are trying to access an endpoint that is not allowed or does not exists.
405This error indicates you are trying execute a method that is not allowed on the endpoint.
500This error indicates a critical system error that is not recoverable. Please contact us!